This connector allows to compress files to ZIP archive by use of standard .NET library.
Compression Level
- Optimal - this will create archive with the smallest size
- Fastest - this level creates archive which still has low size but is faster than optimal option
- None - files are archived to ZIP but without use of any compression
Input Example
Input has following properties:
- Directory - (optional) path in archive
- FileName - file name with extension
- Data - base64 data of file
Following data from JS Mapper
"Directory": "folder1/folder2",
"FileName": "test.txt",
"Data": "ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ=="
"Directory": null,
"FileName": "root.txt",
"Data": "ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ=="
will be compressed to ZIP file that will have following content
Zip Packer configuration
Compression Level
- Optimal - this will create archive with the smallest size
- Fastest - this level creates archive which still has low size but is faster than optimal option
- None - files are archived to ZIP but without use of any compression
Input & Output Schema
Input is Zip File
schema which contains file names and its data which will be compressed.
Zip file (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Directory | string | true | Directory structure where the file will be placed in ZIP file |
FileName | string | false | Name of the file with extension |
Data | Base64 | false | Base64 encoded content of file |
Example output data
Directory: string |
FileName: string |
Data: Base64 |
null | test.txt | ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ== |
Output is Base64
encoded ZIP file which contains files specified in input.
Data (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Data | Base64 | No | Binary data encoded into Base64 string. |
Release notes
- Added new description and icon.
- Fixed shared nuget package versions.
- Fixed right processing of nullable properties.