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Zip Packer Connector

[ | version 3.2]


The connector is permitted for use of the platform background agent.

Connector processing type: Both (Row by row & Bulk), Default type: Row by row!

This connector allows to compress files to ZIP archive by use of standard .NET library.

Compression Level

  • Optimal - this will create archive with the smallest size
  • Fastest - this level creates archive which still has low size but is faster than optimal option
  • None - files are archived to ZIP but without use of any compression

Input Example

Input has following properties:

  • Directory - (optional) path in archive
  • FileName - file name with extension
  • Data - base64 data of file

Following data from JS Mapper

        "Directory": "folder1/folder2",
        "FileName": "test.txt",
        "Data": "ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ=="
        "Directory": null,
        "FileName": "root.txt",
        "Data": "ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ=="

will be compressed to ZIP file that will have following content



Zip Packer configuration

Compression Level

  • Optimal - this will create archive with the smallest size
  • Fastest - this level creates archive which still has low size but is faster than optimal option
  • None - files are archived to ZIP but without use of any compression

Input & Output Schema


Input is Zip File schema which contains file names and its data which will be compressed.

Zip file (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Directory string true Directory structure where the file will be placed in ZIP file
FileName string false Name of the file with extension
Data Base64 false Base64 encoded content of file

Example output data

Directory: string FileName: string Data: Base64
null test.txt ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ==


Output is Base64 encoded ZIP file which contains files specified in input.

Data (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Data Base64 No Binary data encoded into Base64 string.

Release notes


  • Added new description and icon.


  • Fixed shared nuget package versions.


  • Fixed right processing of nullable properties.