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Remote Control - Logs Connector

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported


Remote Logs configuration

Remote control - allow control via Token

For proper connector functionality, enabling Remote Control in the company settings for Token capability is essential.

Minimum Log Level

Trace Debug Info Warning Error Fatal

default: Info

Input & Output Schema


Data schema is mandatory

The connector requires mandatory input or output data schema, which must be selected by the user from the existing data schema repository or a new one must be created. The connector will fail without structured data.


Remote get logs (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Date string No Log date and time (timestamp)
Level integer No Log level (Info, Warning, Error...)
Message string Yes Log message
TaskID integer No Log related Task ID
TaskRunID integer No Log related Task run ID
TaskStepID integer Yes Log related Task step ID
TaskStepRunID integer Yes Log related Task step run ID
Keys JSON Yes

Release notes


  • Fixed input process type.


  • Fixed remote endpoint.