Connector allows you to read data from an Excel file on any list from your document. You can specify the name of the list or its number (index). Reading starts from any row and any desired column. In the settings, you need to select the type of column processing.
Parsed columns
Type of column processing:
- All columns - all columns are taken and mapped to output schema in the same order.
- List of column indexes - it can be specified which column take to output by their indexes filled in the following field. Indices can be specified in both numeric and alphabetic form.
- List of column names - it can be specified which column take to output by their header names filled in the following field
Excel Parser schema
Excel Parser schema for All columns:
First data row offset – you can select the row from which to start reading data.
Number of rows – you can specify the number of rows to process.
First column offset – you can specify the column from which to start reading data.
Thus, from the whole table, you can select and process only the necessary data by specifying the coordinates of the data reading start - the Excel parser connector will not notice columns and rows located above and to the left of these coordinates.
Excel Parser schema for List of column indexes:
First data row offset – you can select the row from which to start reading data.
Number of rows – you can specify the number of rows to process.
List of parsed columns – You can specify the names of the columns selected for data processing. You can choose either the alphabetic name of the column or its numeric value. Fill in the data on the line with commas.
Excel Parser schema for List of column names:
Header row index – you can select the header row from which to start reading data and specify its index (numeric)
First data row offset – you can specify the row from which to start reading data.
Number of rows – you can specify the number of rows to process.
List of parsed columns – You can specify the names of the columns selected for data processing. You can choose either the alphabetic name of the column or its numeric value. Fill in the data on the line with commas.
Excel Sheet schema
Sheet Selector
Select how you want to identify sheet which will be read:
Name - select sheet by name
Index - select sheet by index
Sheet Name
Sheet name from which data will be read.
Input & Output Schema
Input is Base64
encoded Excel file which contains data on first list and can have also header for more user friendly mapping.
Data (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Data | Base64 | No | Binary data encoded into Base64 string. |
Example input data
encoded content of Excel file.
Data: Base64 |
ewogICAgIlN1Y2Nlc3MiOnRydWUKfQ== |
Output schema is mandatory, but not specified by connector.
Release notes
- Header index, row count configuration.
- Column and row offset configuration.
- Plugin binaries update as a result of included connector change
- Fixed shared nuget package versions.
- Fixed right processing of nullable properties.