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Monday Board Columns Reader

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

The Monady board column reader connector enables reading of columns and columns settings configured in the boards. The connector returns specific board identification data - the board ID and the board name and columns settings related data.

The data are returned in JSON format.

Columns settings related data:

  • Column ID - String
  • Column title - String
  • Column type - String
  • Column description - String
  • Archieved - Boolean
  • Width - Number
  • Settings - Object

For some column types, where relevant, the settings will include extended data describing furhter details of the particular column.

Practical use of the information returned by this connector is mainly for consequent use of the data as input for the writer connectors e.g. Monday item column values writer, which is capable to create and update values in board columns.

Example of output data read from board.

Case: Based on board ID, read columns of integray test board in and return the column structure including column settings.

  1. Create a task with the first step using JS mapper connector where Board ID will be returned into the output schema.

  2. Second step will use our connector Monday Board Column Reader with input data = Board ID

  3. Third step will use again the JS mapper connector with using output from previous step as input data. The simple JS mapping statement configuration will return the input data into JSON output schema.

The example board includes various column types to showcase what information is being read and returned. Monday column types used in board: Item, Person, Status, Date, Text, Dropdown, Number, Priority, Label, Checkbox, Files, Timeline, monday Doc.

The result will provide following output:

    "ID": "4428654405",
    "Name": "integray test board",
    "Columns": [
        "ID": "name",
        "Title": "Name",
        "Type": "name",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": 400,
        "Settings": {}
        "ID": "person",
        "Title": "Person",
        "Type": "multiple-person",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {}
        "ID": "status",
        "Title": "Status",
        "Type": "color",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "labels": {
            "0": "Working on it",
            "1": "Done",
            "2": "Stuck"
          "labels_positions_v2": {
            "0": 0,
            "1": 2,
            "2": 1,
            "5": 3
          "labels_colors": {
            "0": {
              "color": "#fdab3d",
              "border": "#E99729",
              "var_name": "orange"
            "1": {
              "color": "#00c875",
              "border": "#00B461",
              "var_name": "green-shadow"
            "2": {
              "color": "#e2445c",
              "border": "#CE3048",
              "var_name": "red-shadow"
        "ID": "date4",
        "Title": "Date",
        "Type": "date",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {}
        "ID": "text",
        "Title": "Text",
        "Type": "text",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {}
        "ID": "dropdown",
        "Title": "Dropdown",
        "Type": "dropdown",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "hide_footer": false,
          "labels": [
              "id": 1,
              "name": "Value 1"
              "id": 2,
              "name": "Value 2"
              "id": 3,
              "name": "Value 3"
        "ID": "numbers",
        "Title": "Numbers",
        "Type": "numeric",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "unit": {
            "symbol": "€",
            "custom_unit": "",
            "direction": "left"
        "ID": "priority",
        "Title": "Priority",
        "Type": "color",
        "Description": "",
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": 184,
        "Settings": {
          "done_colors": [
          "hide_footer": false,
          "labels": {
            "7": "Low",
            "10": "Critical ⚠️️",
            "109": "Medium",
            "110": "High"
          "labels_positions_v2": {
            "5": 4,
            "7": 3,
            "10": 0,
            "109": 2,
            "110": 1
          "labels_colors": {
            "7": {
              "color": "#579bfc",
              "border": "#4387E8",
              "var_name": "bright-blue"
            "10": {
              "color": "#333333",
              "border": "#000",
              "var_name": "soft-black"
            "109": {
              "color": "#5559df",
              "border": "#5559df",
              "var_name": "indigo"
            "110": {
              "color": "#401694",
              "border": "#401694",
              "var_name": "dark_indigo"
        "ID": "label",
        "Title": "Label",
        "Type": "color",
        "Description": "Label it",
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "done_colors": [
          "hide_footer": false,
          "labels": {
            "3": "Label 2",
            "105": "Label 1",
            "156": "Label 3"
          "labels_positions_v2": {
            "3": 1,
            "5": 3,
            "105": 0,
            "156": 2
          "labels_colors": {
            "3": {
              "color": "#0086c0",
              "border": "#3DB0DF",
              "var_name": "blue-links"
            "105": {
              "color": "#9AADBD",
              "border": "#9AADBD",
              "var_name": "winter"
            "156": {
              "color": "#9D99B9",
              "border": "#9D99B9",
              "var_name": "purple_gray"
        "ID": "checkbox",
        "Title": "Checkbox",
        "Type": "boolean",
        "Description": "Check if active",
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": 120,
        "Settings": {}
        "ID": "files",
        "Title": "Files",
        "Type": "file",
        "Description": "Add any relevant file",
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "hide_footer": false
        "ID": "timeline",
        "Title": "Timeline",
        "Type": "timerange",
        "Description": null,
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {
          "show_week_number": true,
          "hide_footer": false
        "ID": "monday_doc",
        "Title": "monday Doc",
        "Type": "doc",
        "Description": "This is monday.doc",
        "Archived": false,
        "Width": null,
        "Settings": {}


Monday Connection configuration

API token

The API token for the connection configuration can be found in > User avatar > Developers > Developer > My Access Tokens.


The timeout (in seconds) for the request to work management platform. The default value is 60 seconds.

Input & Output Schema


Monday board columns reader input (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
BoardID string No Board ID of the board for which the columns are returned


Monday board columns reader output (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID string No Board ID
Name string No Board name
Columns Monday board column 1.0.0 Yes Board columns

Monday board column (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID string No Column ID
Title string No Column name
Type string No Column type
Description string Yes Description of the column
Archived bool No Is the column archieved or not
Width integer Yes Column width
Settings JSON No For specific column types - all seeting details

Release notes



  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector


  • Right processing API-Version header


  • First release