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Pushover Message Writer

[ | version 3.1]


The connector is permitted for use of the platform background agent.

Connector processing type: Row by row!

The pushover message writer is a connector that allows you to use the Pushover service to push messages from connected sources to your Android, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop (Android Wear and Apple Watch, too) as real-time notifications.

Please note, that Pushover is an external paid service. You have to sign up and pay for the service to be able to use this connector.

If you sign up for the service and create your account, you will get your user key. You also will need to add the Integray platform into the section Your applications and obtain your Application token.

To learn more about the service and how it works, visit the Pushover website. Specifically, we recommend to check the Pushover Message API.


Pushover message writer (ver.1.0.0)

To start receiving your notification to the device where you have your Pushover app installed, you need to provide the values of the application token and the user key. Both you can find in the Pushover.

Application token

The application token is a generated API token/key by Pushover once you add the Integray into the section Your applications.

User or group key

This is your user key generated by Pushover once you create your account.

Input & Output Schema


Pushover message writer input (ver.1.1.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
UserGroupKey string No your user/group key (or that of your target user)
Message string Yes your message
Title string Yes notification title
Priority integer No message priority (-2,-1,0,1,2)
RetryAfter integer Yes how often in sec will retry to send notification
ExpireAt integer Yes acknowledgment of notification expiration in sec
TTL integer Yes a number of seconds that the message will live before being deleted automatically
Html bool Yes set to 1 to enable HTML parsing
Url string Yes a supplementary URL to show with your message
UrlTitle string Yes a title for the URL specified as the url parameter, otherwise just the URL is shown


Data schema is optional

The connector does not expect a specific schema. The required data structure can be achieved by correct configuration. Although the selected connector doesn't require a schema generally, the individual integration task step may need to match the output data structure of the preceding task step and use a data schema selected from the repository or create a new input schema.

Release notes


  • Update of input schema. Adding of TTL


  • First release