The Cadastral Register (Katastr nemovitostí) is a comprehensive database managed by ČÚZK that contains information about real estate properties, including land parcels, buildings, and other structures. It provides legal and technical data related to cadastral territories, such as ownership, boundaries, rights, restrictions, and other relevant information.
The Cuzk Document Reader connector enables online access to specified data of the cadastre of real estate to registered users. To work with the real cadastre database, you need to register and obtain the access codes for the service with the CUZK. It is a paid service. Note, that using our platform connector compared to direct integration to the CUZK service will provide you enhanced user experience as the service appears to a user as synchronous compared to the CUZK original asynchronous service. The original CUZK service is using older SOAP technology. The SOAP technology has seen a decline in popularity in recent years, therefore we opt for a more lightweight alternative of Representational State Transfer (REST) API and wrap the original service into the modern technology. Additionally, the implementation of the CUZK SOAP is less simple and may require more skills and time compared to the easy configuration of the integray series of ISCuzk connectors.
Collection of documents
The output is used to obtain a copy of the document or copies of documents from the collection of documents stored in the Real Estate Cadastre (KN) for the specified proceeding (proceeding type V - entry, Z - record). Outputs from the Collection of Documents are provided digitally. A specific format of the clause is attached to them and are provided with an electronic mark and time stamp.
Outputs from the collection of documents are currently available for proceedings from 2014 and later.
In some cases, the required document consists of more than one document and has therefore been scanned at the cadastral office into several files, which are attached to the clause as attachments. Thus, after opening such a document in Acrobat Reader, click on the paper clip icon (located at the left edge), where a list of attached documents is displayed, which can then be displayed.
Search in the collection of documents in the Real estate cadaster
Search by:
Proceeding ID (ID) - Input data must contain ProceedingID
Proceeding type (Type) - Input data must contain ProceedingTypeCode
, SerialNumber
, Year
, GroundOfficeCode
Note, the input schema allows null values for all above-mentioned data columns, therefore it is important to secure the "must contain" data on the input side for the selected type of search, otherwise the search will fail.
IS Cuzk Service Server Connection (ver. 1.0.0)
The URL of the IS Cuzk service server. Identify the server either using URL address or IP address in dotted format (dotted decimal notation).
Supported authorization methods:
None - No authorization is used.
Token The token provided by the CUZK to a registered user account is used for authorization.
Default value: Token
Authorization token
Fill in the CUZK account-provided authorization token to authenticate the connection.
The number of seconds to wait before terminating the request. The default value is set to 100.
IS Cuzk Service Document Search (ver. 1.0.0)
Search by
Supported types:
ID - Input data must contain ProceedingID
Type - Input data must contain ProceedingTypeCode
, SerialNumber
, Year
, GroundOfficeCode
Search by field default value: ID
Input & Output Schema
Cuzk Document Input (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ProceedingID | String | Yes | Proceeding ID |
ProceedingTypeCode | String | Yes | Proceeding type code |
SerialNumber | String | Yes | Proceeding serial number |
Year | Integer | Yes | Proceeding year of creation |
GroundOfficeCode | String | Yes | Proceeding ground office code |
Cuzk Document Output (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Created | DateTime | No | Issue date |
DocumentID | String | No | Document ID |
DocumentDesignation | String | Yes | Document designation |
Release notes
- First release