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Terminal protocol GPE Payment Connector

  • Version


  • Agent restriction

    Remote Only

  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

The connector that helps connect external cash register systems (ECR) with the payment terminal. The connector is capable of transforming the request from the cash register system, entered in a format understood by the user (e.g., 100 CZK), into a format understood by the payment terminal. Subsequently, it can convert the transaction processing results returned by the terminal into a format the cash register system understands.

Purchase operation - Transfer of an amount from the cardholder’s account to the terminal operator’s account (merchant) as a payment for goods, services or cash.


POS Connection

IP Address

Destination IP address of terminal (e.g.

IP Port

Destination port of terminal (e.g. 2050)

Input & Output Schema


Pos GPE Payment Input Schema (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Amount Double No Transaction amount defines the value of a transaction. The amount is given without decimal point. Example: the amount "2000" is given for the amount 2000 HUF or 20,00 CZK
AmountCashBack Double Yes Gives the amount, which the customer wishes to withdraw. It is given without decimal places and without a separator (decimal point). Example: the amount "20000" is given for the amount 20000 HUF or 200,00 CZK.
Currency String Yes Currency of a transaction. It is important for transaction receipt, but currency has no impact on the Totals where in "Sums of financial transactions" is clear total of all transaction amounts. If this field is not included in the message, the terminal will use its default currency. Format: numeric Length: fix 3 Example of supported codes: 203 = CZK, 978 = EUR, 840 = USD, 826 = GBP
InvoiceNumber Integer Yes Allows to add additional identifiers related to each transaction, which will appear in a transaction report.
CustomerLanguage String Yes Customer language code (ISO639-1) sent by ECR. Example: cs, en, de, fr, sk etc.
ClientId String Yes
MultiIdAccountNumber String Yes The field contains a Multi ID account number
ReferenceNumber String Yes Alphanumeric information sent by ECR to identify each transaction by adding an identifier. This identifier appears in transaction reports. Warning: Invoice number and Reference number cannot be used together.
IsPartialApproval Bool Yes Flag identifies that the transaction has been partial approved


Pos GPE Payment Output Schema (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
TerminalId String Yes Terminal logical identifier on which the transaction will be made.
TransactionTimestamp DateTime No Date and Time of transaction. The value is formatted: YYMMDDHHmmSS, where: YY – year (last 2 numbers for 2017 only 17 is given) (00 to 99), MM = month (00 to 12), DD = day (01 to 31), HH = hour (00 to 23), mm = minute (00 to 59), SS = second (00 to 59)
CardExpirationDate String Yes Expiration date of a payment card in the month and year form. Example: 1017 for a card expiring in October 2017
AuthorizationCode String Yes Identification of completed non-cash financial transactions. It is used to identify the transaction when a claim for refund is made.
PrimaryAccountNumber String Yes This number must be masked for security reasons. Example: "472925**135" (len=15), "472925*135" (len=16), "472925*328135" (len=19)
IsTransactionApproved Bool No Flag identifies that the transaction has been approved.
ResponseCode String Yes This field informs about processing results (of transaction or message). Defined codes are in the chapter Transaction response codes below.
CardType String Yes Indication of used card scheme product. Example: Visa, Mastercard, etc.
ApplicationId String Yes The field contains information of chip application ID with leading information. The value of AID is set by card associations. Examples: "A0000000031010" or "A0000000043060"
CodePage String Yes Info for printing reasons. This field is defined for future use if information is available.
TransactionId String Yes Numeric unique identifier of the financial transaction.
AdditionalInformation String Yes The field contains additional text with information about response.
PrintingText String Yes The field contains preformatted text for the printing of the transaction receipt by the ECR. The text is formatted into lines. The line contains formatting characters and/or constant value or directive.
ApprovedAmount Double Yes
Transaction response codes

Codes of accepted transactions

Code Description
000 - 009 Accepted
010 Accepted, Partial amount approved

Codes of rejected transactions

Code Description Code Description
050 General processing error 082 Reversal successful. Reversal reason = Card removed too soon
051 Unable to connect with Central Systems 100 Transaction not supported or not allowed
053 A response from the Central System was not delivered 101 Invalid card
055 Declined by chip card without authorization 103 Error in message format (protocol error)
056 Declined by authorization host (online transaction) 106 Error in message CRC (protocol error)
060 Transaction was canceled by the operator 107 Error in MAC (protocol error)
061 Transaction was canceled by the customer 108 Terminal Busy (protocol error)
062 Customer rejected transaction due to amount 110 The amount is not allowed
063 Processing exceeded the designated time limit 160 Totals on ECR, POST are not equal, on AC completed (AC+POST)
070 Transaction was not cancelled 161 161 Totals on ECR, POST are not equal, on AC not finished (POST without Response)
071 Currency not supported (Multicurrency) 200 Mandatory field missing in request message
080 No paper in the internal printer 360 Repeat Last Message – origin message not found
081 Reversal successful 500 Internal application Error

Release notes


  • First release