This version of the connector is outdated. Show recent version
The Monday Document Writer allows you to write formatted content into the Monday workDoc.
A workdoc is a flexible, multi-media whiteboard where you and your team can record all notes and ideas related to one central topic. By adding individual elements to your workdoc, all your loose thoughts and ideas can come together in one place. Find more on workDocs here and or here.
The input required for writing into the workDoc is the item id (pulseID) and the column id where the workDoc is located and the blocks of formatted content. The blocks include the definition of the type, after the block id and the content.
The block content types, that can be written to the document: normal_text
, large_title
, medium_title
, small_title
, quote
, bulleted_list
, numbered_list
, check_list
, or code
You can find the item id (pulseID) in the URL (/pulses/4600685851) when you are located on the respective item in the monday board.
To find the column, use the Developers API playground and use GraphQL query
query {
boards (ids: 4296947778) {
items (ids: 4635685851) {
column_values {
The connector has an output including the block id and the content. The output is written into the defined item and workDock.
Monday Connection configuration
API token
The API token for the connection configuration can be found in > User avatar > Developers > Developer > My Access Tokens.
The timeout (in seconds) for the request to work management platform. The default value is 60 seconds.
Monday document writer (ver. 1.0.0)
Insert blocks to the end
Check the attribute Insert blocks to the end if you want to ensure that the inserts are always appended to the end of the document.
Note that if you check this box, the input data from AfterBlockID will be ignored and the block will be appended to the end of the document.
If the box is not checked and there is no AfterBlockID provided in the input data, the written block will appear at the top of the document.
Input & Output Schema
Monday docs writer input (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ItemID | string | No | item ID (pulseID) |
ColumnID | string | No | column ID of the column where the doc is located |
Blocks | Monday Document Writer Block v1.0.0 |
No | Blocks schema |
Monday docs writer block (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Type | string | No | Type of block content e.g. normal_text (see bellow) |
AfterBlockID | string | Yes | Id of the block after which the written block will be located |
Content | JSON | No | The block content |
The block's content type: normal_text
, large_title
, medium_title
, small_title
, quote
, bulleted_list
, numbered_list
, check_list
, or code
Monday docs writer output (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
BlockID | string | No | The block's unique identifier |
Content | JSON | No | The block's content |
Release notes
- Right processing API-Version header
- First release