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Get started

Get started gives you the basics about the platform and helps you with building your first integration.

What is Integray

Integray is universal integration platform working as IPaas. It is designed and developed to serve mainly B2B customers using wider portfolio of systems, platforms, applications, data warehouses, databases, and requires connection to external environment to communicate, receive and send data etc. Integray is meant as platform, which can serve as central hub for entire universe of the existing and future integrations. The purpose of Integray is to facilitate centralized management of integrations, to enable the transparency of the data flows, their stability and security.

Integray allows you to:

  • build your integration environemnts (companies) with purpose
  • integrate almost everything
  • use wide and evergrowing portfolio of connectors
  • easily re-use exisiting integrations by simple config transfer
  • building, testing, fine tuning, and debugging configurations in built-in debugger

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Who uses Integray

Integray with its high perofomance, and capacity, sacalability, wide portfolio of available connectors, inclusion of all popular programming languages to transform and manipulate data is qualified to deal with any type of integration challenges. Anyone can use Integray to build E2E integrated, and automated digitalized solutions. It is great fit for enterprises where integrations are already in places, nevertheless, there is no hub to centralize them. It is for sure suitable for companies with disconnected systems and data sources, where still manual or semi-manual processes with human interactions are in place to secure the required data flows.

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Who is able to configure Integray

We have made all possible effort to build intuitive environment to build your integratios. We designed Integray to provide an option to include any team or member in the organization in their role in the integration process.

Integray allows diffrent users to configure, test and publish their integrations.

Users with no code experience can still create many integrations in Integray without developer or programmer with code experience involvement. If you require a piece of logic or a connector that demands the code, or specific skills, integration architects, developers, or programmers can take care of that part. This approach enables to work on, and successfully build needed integrations by users with no code experience, but with relevant business or process knowledge.

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