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Oracle Database

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row & Bulk

  • Multi-input step


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The Oracle Database connector allows you to execute SQL commands and stored procedures remotely in Oracle database.


Before executing Oracle connector, you have to install ODP.NET provider on the machine, where the agent will run:

  1. Download file from url
  2. Unpack downloaded zip file.
  3. Open command prompt as administrator.
  4. Run install_odpm.bat {DIRECTORY} both true, where the {DIRECTORY} (e.g. c:\oracle) is the ODP.NET installation directory.
  5. Check also if the folder c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess exists. It should contain folder that starts with v4.0_4.122.1.0 and should contain oracle.manageddataaccess.dll library.

Possible uses of the Multi input step include facilitating branch synchronization and enabling the acceptance of multiple inputs within integration processes. By incorporating this feature, you can streamline complex integration tasks and achieve better scalability, parallel processing, and system responsiveness. For more information, refer directly to the article dedicated to the Multi-Input Step

Accessing input data

If the input schema is selected, the input data will be predefined in the temporary table #InputData (see Predefined Variables). You can use entire table in your statements or target concrete value by using placeholder ${input}:

Placeholder Type Description
${inputData} temporary table Temporary table filled with input data. This table will be deleted after the connector run is over.
${input[<row number>].<column name>} value Takes the value from <row number>th row (zero-based index) and column named <column name>.

Connector is able to process complex data columns on input schema. Such data are represented as blob column and filled with serialized JSON.

Using placeholders

Assume the connector input data in the following format, followed by placeholders, which can be used for direct reference to the input data table:

Row number ID Login
0 1 ${input[0].ID} Alice ${input[0].Login}
1 2 ${input[1].ID} Bob ${input[1].Login}

Returning all input data

select * from #InputData
Returns the contents of the entire temporary table filled with input data:

ID Login
1 Alice
2 Bob

Referring to a specific value from the input data

Selected columns must be always wrapped with double quotes and must respect case sensitive names.

    ${input[0].ID} as ID, 
    "Login" as Login
from #InputData

Returns the list as in the previous example, except that the value from the first row and column of the ID input table is always used as ID (${input[0].ID} = 1):

ID Login
1 Alice
1 Bob

Predefined variables

Variable Data type Description
#InputData temporary table Temporary table filled with input data. This table will be deleted when the connector is finished running.
:TaskRunID number ID of the currently executing TaskRun.
:EndpointTokenID number ID of the currently used EndpointToken.
:EndpointTokenName varchar2(4000) Name of the currently used EndpointToken.
:DataCheckpoint clob Datacheckpoint value.

Returning output data

If the output scheme is selected, the result of the last select statement, which is not assigned to any variable, is used as the step output. The structure of the query result must match the structure of the output schema.

Selected columns must be always wrapped with double quotes and must respect case sensitive names.

If there are some complex input schemas returned to output, the result will contain column data serialized as JSON string.


-- NOT the last select in the statement, data will NOT be sent to the output.
select 0 as ID, Login from #InputData;

-- IS the last valid select in the statement, data WILL be sent to the output.
select 1 as ID, Login from #InputData;

-- Is the last select, but its result is assigned to a variable. Therefore, the data will NOT be sent to the output.
declare maxUserID int = (select max(ID) from DXTask);

-- Using variable as parameter
select ID as TaskRunID, :DataCheckpoint as DataCheckpoint from InputData where ID != :TaskRunID
select :TaskRunID as TaskRunID


Direct logging from SQL connector into task run log is not supported.


Oracle Connection string

Connection string

Input data can be obtained with input data placeholders.

${input.DbName} will be replaced by value in DbName of the very first row.

Windows Authentication
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=/;
Specifying username and password
Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Integrated Security=no;
Omiting tnsnames.ora
Using Connection Pooling
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool Size=2;
Proxy Authentication
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Proxy User Id=pUserId;Proxy Password=pPassword;

For more examples of connection strings, see official documentation.

Oracle Statement


Oracle statement to be executed. If the input schema is selected, the input data will be predefined in the temporary table #InputData. You can use entire table in your statements or target concrete value by using following placeholders:

Placeholder Type Description
${inputData} temporary table Temporary table filled with input data. This table will be deleted after the connector run is over.
${input[<row number>].<column name>} value Takes the value from <row number>th row (zero-based index) and column named <column name>.
:TaskRunID number ID of the currently executing TaskRun.
:EndpointTokenID number ID of the currently used EndpointToken.
:EndpointTokenName varchar2(4000) Name of the currently used EndpointToken.
:DataCheckpoint clob Datacheckpoint value.

If the output scheme is selected, the result of the last select statement, which is not assigned to any variable, is used as the step output. The structure of the query result must match the structure of the output schema.

Data checkpoint column

The data checkpoint column is a column (field), from which the platform takes the last row value after each executed task run and stores it as a Data checkpoint. The data checkpoint value can be used in the SQL statements to control, which data should be processed in the next run. You can refer to the value using the predefined variable :DataCheckpoint. Example of use: processing data in cycles, where every cycle processes only a subset of the entire set due to the total size. If you use e.g. record ID as a data checkpoint column, the platform will store after each cycle the last processed ID from the data subset processed by the task run. If your statement is written in a way that will evaluate the value in data checkpoint against the IDs of the records in the data set, you can ensure this way, that only not processed records will be considered in the next task run.

Oracle DB Schema configuration

DB Schema

A schema is a collection of logical structures of data, or schema objects. A schema is owned by a database user and has the same name as that user. Each user owns a single schema. Schema objects can be created and manipulated with SQL.

Input & Output Schema


Data schema is optional

The connector does not expect a specific schema. The required data structure can be achieved by correct configuration. Although the selected connector doesn't require a schema generally, the individual integration task step may need to match the output data structure of the preceding task step and use a data schema selected from the repository or create a new input schema.


Data schema is optional

The connector does not expect a specific schema. The required data structure can be achieved by correct configuration. Although the selected connector doesn't require a schema generally, the individual integration task step may need to match the output data structure of the preceding task step and use a data schema selected from the repository or create a new input schema.

Release notes



  • Added support for multi input.


  • Connection and commands timeout is respecting task step timeout.


  • Fixed processing sensitive errors.


  • @EndpointTokenID, @EndpointTokenName and @DataCheckpoint variables available to use.
  • Independence of Connection string and SQL Statement configurations.


  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector.


  • Implemantation of debug script generating.


  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector.


  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector.


  • Fix processing base64, json and complex schema input data larger than 4000 characters.


  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector.


  • Updated package binaries because of changes in another included connector.


  • Fix processing apostrophe char on input data (column type: string, Json, Base64, Complex schema).


  • Fix replacing input placeholders in connection string configuration.


  • Fixed processing complex input schema.


  • Fixed shared nuget package versions.


  • Fixed right processing of nullable properties.