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NetSuite – Employee

Update Employee

NetSuite – Employee

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

Update Employee is a powerful action that simplifies the process of managing employee information within the NetSuite platform. By allowing you to seamlessly update employee records through the NetSuite API, this action enhances data accuracy and ensures that your organization maintains up-to-date employee information. Whether you need to modify personal details, job roles, or compensation data, Update Employee streamlines these tasks, improving your operational efficiency. This action is ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to optimize their human resources management and maintain a cohesive workforce.


NetSuite - Configuration (ver. 1.0.0)

Error behavior

The available values are:

  • Fail and return response: The connector fails at the specified line but generates output with error details.

  • Fail without response: The connector fails - the error will be displayed only in the log.

  • Do not fail and return response: The connector does not fail but generates output records that may be marked with an error and detailed information.

NetSuite - Connection (ver. 1.0.0)


URL of your NetSuite instance.

Account ID

Account ID for NetSuite API.

Consumer Key

Consumer key for NetSuite API.

Consumer Secret

Consumer secret for NetSuite API.

Token ID

Token ID for NetSuite API.

Token Secret

Token secret for NetSuite API.

Input & Output Schema


NetSuite - Employee Update Request (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the employee record
Employee NetSuite - Employee v1.7.0 No Represents the employee data in the NetSuite system

NetSuite - ID (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String Yes The unique identifier

NetSuite - Employee (ver. 1.7.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Aliennumber String Yes Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
Birthdate DateTime Yes The employee's date of birth
Wasfulluserhasaccess String Yes Indicates if the employee had full user access
Wasinactive String Yes Indicates if the employee is currently inactive
Password String Yes The employee's password for system access
Approvallimit Double Yes Maximum approval limit for the employee
Issupportrep Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is a support representative
ID String Yes Unique identifier for the employee record
Fax String Yes The employee's fax number
DateCreated DateTime Yes The date the employee record was created
LastName String Yes The employee's last name
Effectivedatemode NetSuite - Effectivedatemode v1.4.0 Yes Mode for handling effective dates in transactions
Socialsecuritynumber String Yes The employee's social security number
Isempcenterqtyenforced String Yes Indicates if employee center quantity is enforced
Phone String Yes The employee's primary phone number
RequirePwdChange Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is required to change their password
Purchaseorderapprovallimit Double Yes Approval limit for purchase orders
Wasretailuserhasaccess String Yes Indicates if the employee had retail user access
Purchaseorderlimit Double Yes Maximum limit for purchase orders
DefaultAddress String Yes Default address for the employee
Gender NetSuite - Gender v1.4.0 Yes The employee's gender
IsJobManager Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is a job manager
Fulluserqty String Yes Quantity of full users assigned to the employee
Password2 String Yes Secondary password for the employee
Email String Yes The employee's email address
Visaexpdate DateTime Yes Expiration date of the employee's visa
Issalesrep Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is a sales representative
Isfulluserqtyenforced String Yes Indicates if full user quantity is enforced
CustomForm NetSuite - Custom Form v1.4.0 Yes Custom form associated with the employee
Expenselimit Double Yes Maximum limit for employee expenses
Terminationbydeath Bool Yes Indicates if the employee's termination is due to death
AutoName Bool Yes Indicates if the employee's name is auto-generated
Fulluserqtymax String Yes Maximum quantity of full users allowed
Retailuserqty String Yes Quantity of retail users assigned to the employee
ExternalID String Yes External identifier for the employee
EntityID String Yes Entity identifier for the employee
Releasedate DateTime Yes Release date of the employee record
HireDate DateTime Yes The date the employee was hired
IsJobResource Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is a job resource
TargetUtilization Double Yes Target utilization rate for the employee
MobilePhone String Yes The employee's mobile phone number
Retailuserqtymax String Yes Maximum quantity of retail users allowed
Initials String Yes The employee's initials
GlobalSubscriptionStatus NetSuite - Global Subscription Status v1.4.0 Yes Status of the employee's global subscription
Btemplate String Yes Template associated with the employee
Salutation String Yes Salutation for the employee
LastReviewDate DateTime Yes Date of the last performance review
DefaultBillingAddress String Yes Default billing address for the employee
IsInactive Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is inactive
FirstName String Yes The employee's first name
Jobdescription String Yes Description of the employee's job role
HomePhone String Yes The employee's home phone number
I9verified Bool Yes Indicates if the employee's I-9 form is verified
Title String Yes The employee's job title
LaborCost Double Yes Labor cost associated with the employee
DefaultShippingAddress String Yes Default shipping address for the employee
GiveAccess Bool Yes Indicates if the employee has been granted access
Empcenterqtymax String Yes Maximum quantity of employee centers allowed
Wasempcenterhasaccess String Yes Indicates if the employee had access to employee centers
NextReviewDate DateTime Yes Date of the next performance review
Comments String Yes Additional comments regarding the employee
AccountNumber String Yes The employee's account number
Authworkdate DateTime Yes Date of last authentication work
LastModifiedDate DateTime Yes Date the employee record was last modified
MiddleName String Yes The employee's middle name
Empcenterqty String Yes Current quantity of employee centers assigned
Concurrentwebservicesuser Bool Yes Indicates if the employee is a concurrent web services user
OfficePhone String Yes The employee's office phone number
SendEmail Bool Yes Indicates if emails should be sent to the employee
Isretailuserqtyenforced String Yes Indicates if retail user quantity is enforced
RefName String Yes Reference name for the employee
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links associated with the employee
Location NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Location identifier for the employee
Defaultacctcorpcardexp NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Default corporate card expiration identifier
Campaigns NetSuite - Employee Campaigns Collection v1.2.0 Yes Campaigns associated with the employee
WorkCalendar NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Work calendar for the employee
Approver NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Approver identifier for the employee
Residentstatus NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Resident status of the employee
Employeestatus NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Employment status of the employee
Class NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Class identifier for the employee
Timeapprover NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Time approver identifier for the employee
AddressBook NetSuite - Employee Address Book Collection v1.2.0 Yes Address book associated with the employee
Corporatecards NetSuite - Employee Corporatecards Collection v1.3.0 Yes Corporate cards associated with the employee
Image NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Image associated with the employee
DirectDepositList NetSuite - Employee Direct Deposit List Collection v1.2.0 Yes Direct deposit information for the employee
Purchaseorderapprover NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Purchase order approver identifier
Empperms NetSuite - Employee Empperms Collection v1.2.0 Yes Employee permissions associated with the employee
Roles NetSuite - Employee Roles Collection v1.3.0 Yes Roles assigned to the employee
SubscriptionMessageHistory NetSuite - Employee Subscription Message History Collection v1.2.0 Yes History of subscription messages for the employee
Ethnicity NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Ethnicity of the employee
Subscriptions NetSuite - Employee Subscriptions Collection v1.3.0 Yes Subscriptions associated with the employee
DefaultJobResourceRole NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Default job resource role for the employee
Supervisor NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Supervisor identifier for the employee
Department NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Department identifier for the employee
Currencylist NetSuite - Employee Currencylist Collection v1.2.0 Yes Currency list associated with the employee
Visatype NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Visa type of the employee
Maritalstatus NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Marital status of the employee
Defaultexpensereportcurrency NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Default expense report currency for the employee
Template NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Template identifier for the employee
Subsidiary NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Subsidiary identifier for the employee
Employeetype NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Type of employment for the employee
CustomFields JSON Yes Custom fields associated with the employee

NetSuite - Effectivedatemode (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Reference name for the employee used in the connector
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Gender (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the employee used in the connector
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Custom Form (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the contact used for reference
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional user-defined fields for the contact

NetSuite - Global Subscription Status (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the contact used for reference
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional user-defined fields for the contact
Column Data type Allow null Description
Rel String Yes Represents the relationship identifier for the Netsuite account
Href String Yes Contains the URL link to access the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Employee Campaigns Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite API for employee data access
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates if there are more employee records available for retrieval
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Campaigns Element v1.0.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data related to the employee records

NetSuite - Ns Resource (ver. 1.6.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes User-friendly name for the Netsuite account
ExternalID String Yes Identifier used for external references to the account
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links to related resources or entities in Netsuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Employee Address Book Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for reference
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Address Book Element v1.1.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom field data associated with the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Corporatecards Collection (ver. 1.3.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite API for accessing employee data
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Corporatecards Element v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom fields associated with employee records

NetSuite - Employee Direct Deposit List Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite API for accessing employee data
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Direct Deposit List Element v1.0.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any custom fields associated with the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Empperms Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite employee resource
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records available
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records returned in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to retrieve
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Empperms Element v1.0.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom field data associated with the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Roles Collection (ver. 1.3.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for API interactions
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates if there are more employee records available to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Roles Element v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any custom fields associated with the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Subscription Message History Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite API for accessing employee data
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Subscription Message History Element v1.0.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data related to the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Subscriptions Collection (ver. 1.3.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite API for employee data access
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates if there are more employee records available for retrieval
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Subscriptions Element v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records returned from the query
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom field data associated with the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Currencylist Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for reference
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of employee records retrieved
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of employee records in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more employee records to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of employee records
Items NetSuite - Employee Currencylist Element v1.0.0 Yes Contains the list of employee records retrieved from NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data related to the employee records

NetSuite - Employee Campaigns Element (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection details for the NetSuite integration
RefName String Yes Unique identifier for the employee within the NetSuite system
CustomFields JSON Yes Contains additional employee-specific data defined by the user

NetSuite - Employee Address Book Element (ver. 1.1.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides the link to the NetSuite instance for integration
InternalID Integer Yes Unique identifier for the employee record in NetSuite
DefaultBilling Bool Yes Indicates if this address is the default billing address
AddressBookAddress_text String Yes Text representation of the address for display purposes
DefaultShipping Bool Yes Indicates if this address is the default shipping address
Label String Yes User-friendly name for the employee record
ID Integer Yes Unique identifier for the employee in the connector
AddressID String Yes Identifier for the specific address in the address book
RefName String Yes Reference name for the employee, often used for display
AddressBookAddress NetSuite - Employee Address Book Address Book Address v1.1.0 Yes Contains detailed address information for the employee
CustomFields JSON Yes Stores additional custom data related to the employee record

NetSuite - Employee Corporatecards Element (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite employee record
Expiration DateTime Yes Indicates the expiration date of the employee's access
Embossedname String Yes Contains the name as it appears on the employee's card
RefName String Yes Stores a reference name for the employee for easy identification
Corporatecardprofile NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Links to the corporate card profile associated with the employee
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom data fields related to the employee

NetSuite - Employee Direct Deposit List Element (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides a reference link to the NetSuite instance
Amount Double Yes Represents the monetary amount associated with the employee
Bankroutingnumber String Yes Contains the bank routing number for direct deposits
Inactive Bool Yes Indicates whether the employee is currently inactive
Accountstatus String Yes Describes the current status of the employee's account
Bankaccountnumber String Yes Holds the bank account number for the employee
Accountprenoted Bool Yes Specifies if the account is pre-noted for direct deposit
Netaccount Bool Yes Indicates if the account is a NetSuite account
ID String Yes Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
BankName String Yes Name of the bank associated with the employee's account
Savingsaccount Bool Yes Indicates if the account is a savings account
RefName String Yes Reference name for the employee, often used for identification
CustomFields JSON Yes Contains any custom fields related to the employee's data

NetSuite - Employee Empperms Element (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite instance
PermKey1 NetSuite - Perm Key1 v1.0.0 Yes Identifies the primary permission key for the employee
Name String Yes Contains the full name of the employee
PermLevel1 NetSuite - Perm Level1 v1.0.0 Yes Indicates the highest permission level assigned to the employee
RefName String Yes Provides a reference name for the employee, often used for identification
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Employee Roles Element (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite instance
SsoOnly String Yes Indicates if single sign-on is enabled for the employee
WsOnly String Yes Specifies if the employee can access web services only
MasterRole Integer Yes Identifies the primary role assigned to the employee
DeviceidOnly String Yes Contains the device ID associated with the employee's account
BillingWarn String Yes Provides billing warnings related to the employee's account
CenterType String Yes Defines the type of center the employee is associated with
RefName String Yes Stores a reference name for the employee in the system
SelectedRole NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Represents the role currently selected for the employee
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom fields related to the employee's profile

NetSuite - Employee Subscription Message History Element (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite API
RefName String Yes Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Contains additional employee-specific data in JSON format

NetSuite - Employee Subscriptions Element (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection to the NetSuite instance
Subscribed Bool Yes Indicates whether the employee is subscribed to notifications
LastModifiedDate DateTime Yes Records the last date and time the employee data was modified
RefName String Yes Provides a reference name for the employee in the system
Subscription NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Links to the specific subscription details for the employee
CustomFields JSON Yes Contains additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Employee Currencylist Element (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite instance
RefName String Yes Unique identifier for the employee in the NetSuite system
Currency NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Specifies the currency used for the employee's transactions
CustomFields JSON Yes Contains additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Employee Address Book Address Book Address (ver. 1.1.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Zip String Yes Represents the postal code of the employee's address
Country NetSuite - Country v1.4.0 Yes Indicates the country where the employee is located
Addr2 String Yes Provides additional address information, if applicable
City String Yes Specifies the city of the employee's address
Addr1 String Yes Contains the primary address line for the employee
LastModifiedDate DateTime Yes Records the last date and time the employee information was modified
Addr3 String Yes Offers further address details, if necessary
ExternalID String Yes Serves as a unique identifier for the employee in external systems
AddrPhone String Yes Lists the phone number associated with the employee's address
Addressee String Yes Identifies the name of the person to whom the address belongs
Attention String Yes Specifies any special attention or instructions for the address
Override Bool Yes Indicates whether to override existing address information
State String Yes Denotes the state or region of the employee's address
AddrText String Yes Provides a formatted text representation of the full address
RefName String Yes Contains a reference name associated with the employee
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Contains links to related resources or records in NetSuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any custom fields related to the employee's information

NetSuite - Perm Level1 (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the employee used in the connector
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional employee-specific data defined by the user

NetSuite - Perm Key1 (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the employee in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the employee used in the connector
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes related to the employee

NetSuite - Country (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the credit memo
RefName String Yes Reference name for the credit memo
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom fields related to the credit memo


NetSuite - ID Response (ver. 1.1.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
StatusCode Integer No Indicates the status of the API request
IsError Bool No Specifies whether the request resulted in an error
Message String Yes Provides additional information about the request status
ID String Yes Represents the unique identifier for the Netsuite account