Insert or Update Customer is a powerful action that simplifies customer management within the NetSuite platform. By allowing you to seamlessly insert new customer records or update existing ones, this action enhances your data accuracy and operational efficiency. You can easily maintain up-to-date customer information, which is crucial for effective communication and relationship management. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, this action helps you streamline your workflows, ensuring that your customer data is always current and accessible for informed decision-making.
NetSuite - Connection (ver. 1.0.0)
URL of your NetSuite instance.
Account ID
Account ID for NetSuite API.
Consumer Key
Consumer key for NetSuite API.
Consumer Secret
Consumer secret for NetSuite API.
Token ID
Token ID for NetSuite API.
Token Secret
Token secret for NetSuite API.
NetSuite - Configuration (ver. 1.0.0)
Error behavior
The available values are:
Fail and return response: The connector fails at the specified line but generates output with error details.
Fail without response: The connector fails - the error will be displayed only in the log.
Do not fail and return response: The connector does not fail but generates output records that may be marked with an error and detailed information.
Input & Output Schema
NetSuite - Customer Update Request (ver. 1.7.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
Customer | NetSuite - Customer v1.8.0 |
No | Represents the customer record version in NetSuite |
NetSuite - Customer (ver. 1.8.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
EmailTransactions | Bool | Yes | Indicates if email transactions are enabled for the customer |
StartDate | DateTime | Yes | Represents the start date of the customer's account |
LastSaleDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the last sale made by the customer |
ThirdPartyCountry | NetSuite - Third Party Country v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the country of the third-party customer |
Password | String | Yes | Stores the customer's account password |
Balance | Double | Yes | Displays the current balance of the customer's account |
PrintOnCheckAs | String | Yes | Defines how the customer's name appears on checks |
ID | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the customer in the system |
Fax | String | Yes | Contains the customer's fax number |
ThirdPartyZipCode | String | Yes | Indicates the zip code for the third-party customer |
ConsolBalance | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated balance across multiple accounts |
DateCreated | DateTime | Yes | Records the date when the customer account was created |
OverdueBalance | Double | Yes | Indicates the amount overdue on the customer's account |
AlcoholRecipientType | NetSuite - Alcohol Recipient Type v1.4.0 |
Yes | Classifies the customer based on alcohol recipient type |
LastName | String | Yes | Stores the customer's last name |
FirstVisit | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the customer's first visit |
EndDate | DateTime | Yes | Represents the end date of the customer's account |
Phone | String | Yes | Contains the customer's primary phone number |
CompanyName | String | Yes | Stores the name of the company associated with the customer |
DefaultAddress | String | Yes | Indicates the default address for the customer |
OpeningBalance | Double | Yes | Displays the opening balance of the customer's account |
ConsolAging4 | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated aging balance for the fourth period |
ConsolAging3 | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated aging balance for the third period |
LastVisit | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the customer's last visit |
ConsolAging2 | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated aging balance for the second period |
ConsolAging1 | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated aging balance for the first period |
CreditHoldOverride | NetSuite - Credit Hold Override v1.4.0 |
Yes | Indicates if the credit hold is overridden for the customer |
IsPerson | Bool | Yes | Specifies if the customer is an individual or a business |
Password2 | String | Yes | Stores an additional password for the customer |
String | Yes | Contains the customer's email address | |
OpeningBalanceDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the opening balance |
DepositBalance | Double | Yes | Displays the balance of deposits made by the customer |
LastOrderDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the customer's last order |
LastPageVisited | String | Yes | Indicates the last page visited by the customer |
Url | String | Yes | Contains the URL associated with the customer |
FirstSaleDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the customer's first sale |
CustomForm | NetSuite - Custom Form v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the custom form used for the customer |
AutoName | Bool | Yes | Indicates if the customer's name is generated automatically |
Aging | Double | Yes | Shows the aging balance for the customer |
ShipComplete | Bool | Yes | Indicates if the customer's shipments are complete |
ThirdPartyCarrier | NetSuite - Third Party Carrier v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the carrier used for third-party shipments |
Keywords | String | Yes | Contains keywords associated with the customer |
ExternalID | String | Yes | Stores an external identifier for the customer |
EntityID | String | Yes | Unique entity identifier for the customer |
Language | NetSuite - Language v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the preferred language of the customer |
EmailPreference | NetSuite - Email Preference v1.4.0 |
Yes | Indicates the customer's email communication preferences |
ConsolUnbilledOrders | Double | Yes | Shows the total of unbilled orders for the customer |
NumberFormat | NetSuite - Number Format v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the number format used for the customer |
ConsolAging | Double | Yes | Displays the consolidated aging balance for the customer |
IsBudgetApproved | Bool | Yes | Indicates if the customer's budget is approved |
ConsolDepositBalance | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated deposit balance for the customer |
MobilePhone | String | Yes | Contains the customer's mobile phone number |
UnbilledOrders | Double | Yes | Displays the total of unbilled orders for the customer |
SearchStage | String | Yes | Indicates the current search stage of the customer |
AltPhone | String | Yes | Contains an alternative phone number for the customer |
FirstOrderDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date of the customer's first order |
FaxTransactions | Bool | Yes | Indicates if fax transactions are enabled for the customer |
ClickStream | String | Yes | Contains the clickstream data for the customer |
ResaleNumber | String | Yes | Stores the resale number for the customer |
GlobalSubscriptionStatus | NetSuite - Global Subscription Status v1.4.0 |
Yes | Indicates the global subscription status of the customer |
AltEmail | String | Yes | Contains an alternative email address for the customer |
DefaultOrderPriority | Double | Yes | Specifies the default priority for the customer's orders |
Salutation | String | Yes | Stores the salutation for the customer |
IsInactive | Bool | Yes | Indicates if the customer account is inactive |
FirstName | String | Yes | Stores the customer's first name |
ThirdPartyAcct | String | Yes | Contains the account information for the third-party customer |
HomePhone | String | Yes | Contains the customer's home phone number |
EstimatedBudget | Double | Yes | Displays the estimated budget for the customer |
Title | String | Yes | Stores the title of the customer |
DefaultShippingAddress | String | Yes | Indicates the default shipping address for the customer |
GiveAccess | Bool | Yes | Specifies if access is granted to the customer |
Visits | Integer | Yes | Records the number of visits made by the customer |
NegativeNumberFormat | NetSuite - Negative Number Format v1.4.0 |
Yes | Specifies the format for negative numbers for the customer |
ShippingCarrier | NetSuite - Shipping Carrier v1.4.0 |
Yes | Indicates the shipping carrier used for the customer |
Aging2 | Double | Yes | Shows the aging balance for the second period |
Aging3 | Double | Yes | Shows the aging balance for the third period |
Aging1 | Double | Yes | Shows the aging balance for the first period |
Aging4 | Double | Yes | Shows the aging balance for the fourth period |
ConsolOverdueBalance | Double | Yes | Displays the consolidated overdue balance for the customer |
Comments | String | Yes | Contains comments related to the customer |
AccountNumber | String | Yes | Stores the account number for the customer |
ConsolDaysOverdue | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total days overdue for the consolidated accounts |
ReminderDays | Integer | Yes | Specifies the number of days for reminders |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the date when the customer information was last modified |
MiddleName | String | Yes | Stores the customer's middle name |
PrintTransactions | Bool | Yes | Indicates if print transactions are enabled for the customer |
Referrer | String | Yes | Contains the referrer information for the customer |
DaysOverdue | Integer | Yes | Indicates the number of days the account is overdue |
CreditLimit | Double | Yes | Specifies the credit limit for the customer |
SendEmail | Bool | Yes | Indicates if emails should be sent to the customer |
RefName | String | Yes | Stores the reference name for the customer |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Contains links associated with the customer |
Campaigns | NetSuite - Customer Campaigns Collection v1.2.0 |
Yes | Lists the campaigns associated with the customer |
ContactRoles | NetSuite - Customer Contact Roles Collection v1.3.0 |
Yes | Specifies the roles of contacts associated with the customer |
BuyingReason | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Indicates the reason for the customer's purchases |
Contact | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Stores the contact information for the customer |
Terms | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the payment terms for the customer |
Subscriptions | NetSuite - Customer Subscriptions Collection v1.3.0 |
Yes | Lists the subscriptions associated with the customer |
DefaultBankAccount | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the default bank account for the customer |
Partner | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Stores the partner information associated with the customer |
ReceivablesAccount | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the receivables account for the customer |
SalesReadiness | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Indicates the sales readiness status of the customer |
GroupPricing | NetSuite - Customer Group Pricing Collection v1.3.0 |
Yes | Lists the group pricing information for the customer |
Category | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the category associated with the customer |
SourceWebSite | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the source website for the customer |
PrefCcProcessor | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Specifies the preferred credit card processor for the customer |
SalesRep | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Stores the sales representative associated with the customer |
ShippingItem | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the shipping item for the customer |
AssignedWebSite | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the website assigned to the customer |
OpeningBalanceAccount | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the account for the opening balance |
CampaignCategory | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Indicates the campaign category associated with the customer |
LeadSource | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Specifies the lead source for the customer |
Subsidiary | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the subsidiary associated with the customer |
Territory | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Specifies the territory associated with the customer |
ItemPricing | NetSuite - Customer Item Pricing Collection v1.4.0 |
Yes | Lists the item pricing information for the customer |
BuyingTimeFrame | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Indicates the buying time frame for the customer |
EntityStatus | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the status of the customer entity |
CurrencyList | NetSuite - Customer Currency List Collection v1.2.0 |
Yes | Lists the currencies associated with the customer |
BillingRateCard | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Specifies the billing rate card for the customer |
CampaignEvent | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Indicates the campaign event associated with the customer |
SubscriptionMessageHistory | NetSuite - Customer Subscription Message History Collection v1.2.0 |
Yes | Stores the history of subscription messages for the customer |
ContactList | NetSuite - Contact Collection v1.5.0 |
Yes | Lists the contacts associated with the customer |
Currency | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the currency used by the customer |
Parent | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the parent entity associated with the customer |
PriceLevel | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Specifies the price level for the customer |
Image | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Contains the image associated with the customer |
AddressBook | NetSuite - Customer Address Book Collection v1.2.0 |
Yes | Lists the addresses associated with the customer |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Stores custom fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - ID (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | Yes | The unique identifier |
NetSuite - Third Party Country (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer as referenced in the system |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - Alcohol Recipient Type (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - Credit Hold Override (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes associated with the customer |
NetSuite - Custom Form (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the contact used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields for the contact |
NetSuite - Third Party Carrier (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used in the connector |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Language (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used in the connector |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Email Preference (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Reference name for the customer used in the connector |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Number Format (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Reference name for the customer used in the connector |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Global Subscription Status (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the contact used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields for the contact |
NetSuite - Negative Number Format (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - Shipping Carrier (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used for reference |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional user-defined fields for customer data |
NetSuite - Ns Link (ver. 1.1.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Rel | String | Yes | Represents the relationship identifier for the Netsuite account |
Href | String | Yes | Contains the URL link to access the Netsuite account |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds additional custom field data specific to the Netsuite account |
NetSuite - Customer Campaigns Collection (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for API calls |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates if there are more customer records available to fetch |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Campaigns Element v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records retrieved from NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds any additional custom fields associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Contact Roles Collection (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for API calls |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Represents the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Indicates the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates if there are more customer records available |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Contact Roles Element v1.3.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records with their details |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds any additional custom fields associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Ns Resource (ver. 1.6.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the Netsuite account |
RefName | String | Yes | User-friendly name for the Netsuite account |
ExternalID | String | Yes | Identifier used for external references to the account |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Links to related resources or entities in Netsuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes specific to the Netsuite account |
NetSuite - Customer Subscriptions Collection (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite API for customer data access |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether there are more customer records to fetch |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Subscriptions Element v1.3.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer subscription records retrieved |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds additional custom field data related to the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Group Pricing Collection (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for reference |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether there are more customer records available |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Group Pricing Element v1.3.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records retrieved from NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds any additional custom fields associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Currency List Collection (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the specific NetSuite resource |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates if there are more customer records available for retrieval |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Currency List Element v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records retrieved from NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds additional custom field data associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Subscription Message History Collection (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for API calls |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates if there are more customer records available |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Subscription Message History Element v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records retrieved in the response |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds additional custom field data related to the customer records |
NetSuite - Contact Collection (ver. 1.5.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Represents the total number of customer records found |
Items | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the details of individual customer records |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides navigation links related to the customer data |
Count | Integer | Yes | Indicates the number of customer records returned in the response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether there are more customer records available |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds additional custom field data associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Address Book Collection (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Provides a link to the NetSuite instance for reference |
TotalResults | Integer | Yes | Indicates the total number of customer records retrieved |
Count | Integer | Yes | Represents the number of customer records in the current response |
HasMore | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether there are more customer records available |
Offset | Integer | Yes | Specifies the starting point for the next set of customer records |
Items | NetSuite - Customer Address Book Element v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the list of customer records retrieved from NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds any additional custom fields associated with the customer records |
NetSuite - Customer Campaigns Element (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection details for the NetSuite integration |
RefName | String | Yes | Holds the unique reference name for the customer in NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Contains additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Contact Roles Element (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Specifies the connection link to the NetSuite instance |
GiveAccess | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether to grant access to the customer data |
ContactName | String | Yes | Represents the name of the primary contact for the customer |
Password | String | Yes | Contains the password for authenticating the customer |
PasswordConfirm | String | Yes | Confirms the password entered for the customer |
String | Yes | Stores the email address associated with the customer | |
RefName | String | Yes | Holds a reference name for identifying the customer |
Role | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Defines the role assigned to the customer in NetSuite |
Contact | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains the unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Allows for additional custom data fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Subscriptions Element (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection to the NetSuite instance |
Subscribed | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether the customer is subscribed to the service |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the last date and time the customer data was modified |
RefName | String | Yes | Contains a reference name for the customer |
Subscription | NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 |
Yes | Links to the subscription details associated with the customer |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Stores additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Group Pricing Element (ver. 1.3.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection link to the NetSuite instance |
RefName | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the customer in the NetSuite system |
Group | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Identifier for the customer group in NetSuite |
Level | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Indicates the customer level or tier in NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Contains additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Currency List Element (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection link to the NetSuite instance |
OverrideCurrencyFormat | Bool | Yes | Indicates whether to override the default currency format |
Balance | Double | Yes | Displays the current balance of the customer account |
ConsolBalance | Double | Yes | Shows the consolidated balance across all accounts |
ConsolDepositBalance | Double | Yes | Reflects the total consolidated deposit balance |
DepositBalance | Double | Yes | Indicates the current deposit balance for the customer |
UnbilledOrders | Double | Yes | Represents the total value of unbilled orders for the customer |
ConsolOverdueBalance | Double | Yes | Displays the total overdue balance across all accounts |
ConsolUnbilledOrders | Double | Yes | Shows the total value of unbilled orders in a consolidated view |
SymbolPlacement | NetSuite - Symbol Placement v1.4.0 |
Yes | Defines the placement of currency symbols in financial displays |
OverdueBalance | Double | Yes | Indicates the total overdue balance for the customer account |
DisplaySymbol | String | Yes | Represents the currency symbol used for display purposes |
RefName | String | Yes | Contains the reference name for the customer |
Currency | NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 |
Yes | Identifies the currency used for transactions with the customer |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Stores additional custom fields related to the customer account |
NetSuite - Customer Subscription Message History Element (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection details for the NetSuite integration |
RefName | String | Yes | Specifies the unique reference name for the customer record |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Contains additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Address Book Element (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Represents the connection to the NetSuite API |
InternalID | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
DefaultBilling | Bool | Yes | Indicates if this address is the default billing address |
AddressBookAddress_text | String | Yes | Text representation of the address in the address book |
DefaultShipping | Bool | Yes | Indicates if this address is the default shipping address |
IsResidential | Bool | Yes | Specifies if the address is residential |
Label | String | Yes | User-defined label for the customer |
ID | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier for the customer record |
AddressID | String | Yes | Identifier for the specific address in the address book |
RefName | String | Yes | Reference name for the customer |
AddressBookAddress | NetSuite - Customer Address Book Address Book Address v1.2.0 |
Yes | Contains detailed address information for the customer |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Stores additional custom fields related to the customer |
NetSuite - Symbol Placement (ver. 1.4.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
ID | String | No | Unique identifier for the customer in NetSuite |
RefName | String | Yes | Display name of the customer used in the connector |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Additional custom attributes related to the customer |
NetSuite - Customer Address Book Address Book Address (ver. 1.2.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
Zip | String | Yes | Represents the postal code of the customer location |
Country | NetSuite - Country v1.4.0 |
Yes | Indicates the country of the customer |
Addr2 | String | Yes | Contains additional address information |
City | String | Yes | Specifies the city of the customer |
Addr1 | String | Yes | Contains the primary address line for the customer |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Yes | Records the last date and time the customer information was modified |
Addr3 | String | Yes | Provides further address details if necessary |
ExternalID | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the customer in external systems |
AddrPhone | String | Yes | Contains the phone number associated with the customer address |
Addressee | String | Yes | Specifies the name of the person or entity to whom the address belongs |
Attention | String | Yes | Indicates any specific attention required for the address |
Override | Bool | Yes | Determines if the current address should override existing addresses |
State | String | Yes | Specifies the state or region of the customer |
AddrText | String | Yes | Provides a full text representation of the address |
RefName | String | Yes | Contains a reference name for the customer |
Links | NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 |
Yes | Contains links to related resources or records in NetSuite |
CustomFields | JSON | Yes | Holds any custom fields associated with the customer record |
NetSuite - Response (ver. 1.0.0)
Column | Data type | Allow null | Description |
StatusCode | Integer | No | HTTP status code returned by the NetSuite API indicating the result of the operation |
IsError | Bool | No | Indicates whether there was an error during the operation |
Message | String | Yes | Error or status message providing additional information |
Status Code
- 200 Success
- 400 Bad request
- 404 Not found
- 500 Server error