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NetSuite – Contact

Insert or Update Contact

NetSuite – Contact

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

Insert or Update Contact is a powerful action that simplifies the management of your contacts within the NetSuite platform. By allowing you to seamlessly insert new contacts or update existing ones, this action enhances your data accuracy and ensures that your contact information is always up to date. It integrates smoothly with your business processes, enabling you to maintain effective communication and relationships with clients and partners. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, this action helps you optimize your contact management, ultimately improving your operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities.


NetSuite - Configuration (ver. 1.0.0)

Error behavior

The available values are:

  • Fail and return response: The connector fails at the specified line but generates output with error details.

  • Fail without response: The connector fails - the error will be displayed only in the log.

  • Do not fail and return response: The connector does not fail but generates output records that may be marked with an error and detailed information.

NetSuite - Connection (ver. 1.0.0)


URL of your NetSuite instance.

Account ID

Account ID for NetSuite API.

Consumer Key

Consumer key for NetSuite API.

Consumer Secret

Consumer secret for NetSuite API.

Token ID

Token ID for NetSuite API.

Token Secret

Token secret for NetSuite API.

Input & Output Schema


NetSuite - Contact Update Request (ver. 1.5.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the contact record
Contact NetSuite - Contact v1.7.0 No Represents the contact information in NetSuite

NetSuite - Contact (ver. 1.7.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
IsInactive Bool Yes Indicates if the contact is inactive or not
FirstName String Yes The first name of the contact
HomePhone String Yes The home phone number of the contact
ExternalID String Yes A unique identifier for the contact in external systems
EntityID String Yes The internal identifier for the contact in NetSuite
Title String Yes The job title of the contact
MobilePhone String Yes The mobile phone number of the contact
ID String Yes The unique identifier for the contact record
Fax String Yes The fax number of the contact
AssistantPhone String Yes The phone number of the contact's assistant
Email String Yes The email address of the contact
Owner Integer Yes The identifier of the user who owns the contact record
IsPrivate Bool Yes Indicates if the contact's information is private
Comments String Yes Additional comments or notes about the contact
LastModifiedDate DateTime Yes The date and time when the contact was last modified
MiddleName String Yes The middle name of the contact
DateCreated DateTime Yes The date and time when the contact was created
GlobalSubscriptionStatus NetSuite - Global Subscription Status v1.4.0 Yes The global subscription status of the contact
LastName String Yes The last name of the contact
AltEmail String Yes An alternative email address for the contact
CustomForm NetSuite - Custom Form v1.4.0 Yes The custom form associated with the contact
Phone String Yes The primary phone number of the contact
Salutation String Yes The salutation used for the contact
OfficePhone String Yes The office phone number of the contact
SupervisorPhone String Yes The phone number of the contact's supervisor
RefName String Yes The reference name for the contact
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links related to the contact record
Image NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes The image associated with the contact
ContactCampaignEvent NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes The campaign events associated with the contact
Assistant NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes The identifier for the contact's assistant
Company NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes The identifier for the company associated with the contact
Supervisor NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes The identifier for the contact's supervisor
ContactSourceCampaignCategory NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes The campaign category source for the contact
ContactSource NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes The source of the contact information
Subsidiary NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes The identifier for the subsidiary associated with the contact
Category NetSuite - Contact Category Collection v1.0.0 Yes The category assigned to the contact
CustomFields JSON Yes Custom fields associated with the contact record

NetSuite - ID (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String Yes The unique identifier

NetSuite - Global Subscription Status (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the contact used for reference
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional user-defined fields for the contact

NetSuite - Custom Form (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the contact in NetSuite
RefName String Yes Display name of the contact used for reference
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional user-defined fields for the contact
Column Data type Allow null Description
Rel String Yes Represents the relationship identifier for the Netsuite account
Href String Yes Contains the URL link to access the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Ns Resource (ver. 1.6.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes User-friendly name for the Netsuite account
ExternalID String Yes Identifier used for external references to the account
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links to related resources or entities in Netsuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Contact Category Collection (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
TotalResults Integer Yes Represents the total number of contacts retrieved from NetSuite
Items NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Contains the details of individual contacts from NetSuite
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides links to related resources for the contacts
Count Integer Yes Indicates the number of contacts returned in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more contacts available for retrieval
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of contacts to retrieve
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data associated with the contacts


NetSuite - Response (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
StatusCode Integer No HTTP status code returned by the NetSuite API indicating the result of the operation
IsError Bool No Indicates whether there was an error during the operation
Message String Yes Error or status message providing additional information
Status Code
  • 200 Success
  • 400 Bad request
  • 404 Not found
  • 500 Server error