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NetSuite – Account

Insert or Update Account

NetSuite – Account

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

Insert or Update Account is a powerful feature that simplifies account management within the NetSuite environment. By allowing you to seamlessly insert or update account information through the NetSuite API, this action enhances your ability to maintain accurate and up-to-date records. It supports efficient data management and ensures that your organization can respond quickly to changes in account details. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, this functionality helps you streamline your operations, improve data integrity, and make informed decisions with confidence.


NetSuite - Configuration (ver. 1.0.0)

Error behavior

The available values are:

  • Fail and return response: The connector fails at the specified line but generates output with error details.

  • Fail without response: The connector fails - the error will be displayed only in the log.

  • Do not fail and return response: The connector does not fail but generates output records that may be marked with an error and detailed information.

NetSuite - Connection (ver. 1.0.0)


URL of your NetSuite instance.

Account ID

Account ID for NetSuite API.

Consumer Key

Consumer key for NetSuite API.

Consumer Secret

Consumer secret for NetSuite API.

Token ID

Token ID for NetSuite API.

Token Secret

Token secret for NetSuite API.

Input & Output Schema


NetSuite - Account Update Request (ver. 1.6.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the NetSuite account
Account NetSuite - Account v1.6.0 No Represents the version of the NetSuite account connector

NetSuite - Account (ver. 1.6.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
IsInactive Bool Yes Indicates if the account is inactive
IsSummary Bool Yes Specifies if the account is a summary account
OpeningBalance Double Yes Represents the initial balance of the account
TranDate DateTime Yes The date of the transaction associated with the account
ExternalID String Yes Unique identifier for the account in external systems
Description String Yes Provides a brief description of the account
Eliminate Bool Yes Indicates if the account should be eliminated in reports
Inventory Bool Yes Specifies if the account is used for inventory purposes
Revalue Bool Yes Indicates if the account is subject to revaluation
AcctNumber String Yes The account number assigned to the account
CurDocNum Integer Yes Current document number for the account
SSpecAcct NetSuite - S Spec Acct v1.4.0 Yes Represents a specific account type in NetSuite
ID String Yes Unique identifier for the account in NetSuite
AccountSearchDisplayNameCopy String Yes Copy of the display name used in account searches
LastModifiedDate DateTime Yes The date and time when the account was last modified
AcctType NetSuite - Acct Type v1.4.0 Yes Specifies the type of account in NetSuite
IncludeChildren Bool Yes Indicates if child accounts should be included
AccountSearchDisplayName String Yes The display name used for account searches
DisplayNameWithHierarchy String Yes The display name of the account including its hierarchy
ReconcileWithMatching Bool Yes Indicates if the account can be reconciled with matching transactions
FullName String Yes The full name of the account as displayed in NetSuite
AcctName String Yes The name of the account
RefName String Yes Reference name for the account
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links associated with the account
Subsidiary NetSuite - Subsidiary Collection v1.2.0 Yes The subsidiary to which the account belongs
DeferralAcct NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Account used for deferrals
Location NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Location associated with the account
AccountContextSearch NetSuite - Account Account Context Search Collection v1.2.0 Yes Contextual search information for the account
Localizations NetSuite - Account Localizations Collection v1.2.0 Yes Localizations related to the account
Parent NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Parent account in the hierarchy
BillableExpensesAcct NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Account used for billable expenses
Department NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Department associated with the account
Currency NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Currency used for the account
Class NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Class associated with the account
Category1099Misc NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Category for 1099 miscellaneous income
CustomFields JSON Yes Custom fields associated with the account

NetSuite - ID (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String Yes The unique identifier

NetSuite - S Spec Acct (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes Reference name for the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom fields related to the account

NetSuite - Acct Type (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes User-friendly name for the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes for the account
Column Data type Allow null Description
Rel String Yes Represents the relationship identifier for the Netsuite account
Href String Yes Contains the URL link to access the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Subsidiary Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of results returned by the query
Items NetSuite - ID v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of items retrieved from the NetSuite account
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides links to related resources in the NetSuite account
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of items in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates whether there are more items available beyond the current response
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of results
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds additional custom field data associated with the items

NetSuite - Account Account Context Search Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Count Integer Yes Represents the total number of accounts retrieved
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides links to related resources in NetSuite
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of results available
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates if there are more results to fetch
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of results
Items NetSuite - Account Account Context Search Element v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of account details retrieved
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom field data associated with accounts

NetSuite - Account Localizations Collection (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Provides the link to the NetSuite API endpoint
TotalResults Integer Yes Indicates the total number of results returned
Count Integer Yes Represents the number of items in the current response
HasMore Bool Yes Indicates if there are more results available
Offset Integer Yes Specifies the starting point for the next set of results
Items NetSuite - Account Localizations Element v1.2.0 Yes Contains the list of account localization details
CustomFields JSON Yes Holds any additional custom field data related to the account

NetSuite - Ns Resource (ver. 1.6.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes User-friendly name for the Netsuite account
ExternalID String Yes Identifier used for external references to the account
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Links to related resources or entities in Netsuite
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom attributes specific to the Netsuite account

NetSuite - Account Account Context Search Element (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection to the NetSuite account
Acctnumber String Yes Contains the unique account number for identification
Locale NetSuite - Locale v1.4.0 Yes Specifies the locale settings for the account
Acctname String Yes Holds the name of the NetSuite account
RefName String Yes Provides a reference name for the account
Accountingcontext NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Defines the accounting context for transactions
CustomFields JSON Yes Stores additional custom fields related to the account

NetSuite - Account Localizations Element (ver. 1.2.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
Links NetSuite - Ns Link v1.1.0 Yes Represents the connection link to the NetSuite account
LegalName String Yes Holds the legal name of the account for identification
Acctnumber String Yes Contains the unique account number assigned by NetSuite
Locale NetSuite - Locale v1.4.0 Yes Specifies the locale settings for the account
Acctname String Yes Represents the display name of the NetSuite account
RefName String Yes Provides a reference name for easier account management
Accountingcontext NetSuite - Ns Resource v1.6.0 Yes Defines the accounting context for transactions in the account
CustomFields JSON Yes Stores additional custom fields related to the account

NetSuite - Locale (ver. 1.4.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
ID String No Unique identifier for the Netsuite account
RefName String Yes Reference name for the Netsuite account
CustomFields JSON Yes Additional custom fields related to the account


NetSuite - Response (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
StatusCode Integer No HTTP status code returned by the NetSuite API indicating the result of the operation
IsError Bool No Indicates whether there was an error during the operation
Message String Yes Error or status message providing additional information
Status Code
  • 200 Success
  • 400 Bad request
  • 404 Not found
  • 500 Server error