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Advanced Rest API Connector

  • Version


  • Agent restriction


  • Processing type

    Row by row

  • Multi-input step

    Not Supported

The Advanced Rest API connector allows you to communicate with other REST services using the HTTP protocol with basic request types, i.e. GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE. It also supports many of the most commonly used authentication methods (OAuth2, Token, NTLM,...). This is identical with the Rest API connector.

The Advanced Rest API connector includes addtional features not available with the standard Rest API connector.

  • If selected OAuth2 authentication, the configuration includes new option to select: Use basic authentication, where you can additionaly provide your credentials: User name and Password.

  • If request types: POST, PUT, or PATCH is selected, you are able to use new data content types: UrlEncoded and FormData.


Mame 4 type:

  1. JSON (defaultne vybrany) - znamena, ze do polozky Data se musi zadat data ve formatu JSON, napr.
  "Name": "Jack", 
  "Surname": "Black", 
  "Companies": [ 
  1. XML - stejne jako JSON, ale musi to byt format XML, napr.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  1. UrlEncoded - do polozky Data se musi zadat data ve formatu standardu application/x-www-form-urlencoded, napr.


  1. FormData - nezadava se nic do polozky Data (tato polozka neni ani viditelna), jsou tam dve klikacky:
  2. Plain Values - umoznuje pridat plain text values (zase ve formatu application/x-www-form-urlencoded), napr. viz obrazek - doda Borisko
  3. Files - umoznuje pridat attachmenty

Pozn. - polozka Data umoznuje pouzit placeholdery na data ze vstupu: - u data content type = XML, nebo JSON: - ${input} - nahradi placeholder za kompletni cela vstupni data - ${input.Name} - nahradi pouze hodnotu z polozky Name - ${input.Name} ${input.Surname} - nahradi pouze hodnotu z polozky Name a polozky Surname - u data content type = UrlEncoded: (obecny zapis: klic=value&klic1=value1&...) - placeholdery (${input} - neni povolen) mohou byt pouze ve value, napr. person=${input.Name}${input.Surname}&person=CarlNowak&company=Company1, klic musi byt vzdycky bez placeholderu (tzn. person) - u data content type = FormData: - placeholdery (${input} - neni povolen) mohou byt pouzity v Plain Values pouze ve Value, viz UrlEncoded - placeholdery (${input} - neni povolen) mohou byt pouzity ve Files jak v polozce Filename tak i v polozce Content (take ve forme multiplaceholderu - ${input.Name}${input.Surname}) - polozka Plain Values umoznuje v hodnote Value pouzit placeholder(y), ${input.Key}, ${input.Key}${input.SubKey}, ... - pokud bude konektor v rezimu Bulk a na vstupu budou 3 zaznamy, tak do dat se stejny klic vlozi 3x ale po kazde s nahrazenymi hodnotami z prislusneho radku na vstupu - polozka Files umoznuje v hodnote Filename a Content rovnez pouzivat placeholdery (myslim, ze stejne jako Plain Values), stejne tak se budou zaznamy mnozit podle poctu radku na vstupu


  • viz popis u Data Content type

Accessing input data

If the input schema is selected, it's data can be accessed by following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
${input} Replaced by whole input
${} Replaced by single cell of input

Using placeholders

Placeholders can be used to dynamically create the contents of the request body or to modify the configuration.

Input data can be referred by using placeholders:

  • ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input data connector.
  • ${input} will be replaced by the integer value of the input data.

Placeholders for creating body content

The body content can be configured directly or can be generated based on the input using placeholders. The resulting JSON or XML (based on configuration) will also take into account the data type of the input columns. For example, the numbers in the JSON are as numbers (without double quotes).

Assume the connector input data is in the following format:

ID (Number) Name (String) Items (Complex)
1 Alice [{"ID":1},{"ID":2}]
2 Bob [{"ID":3},{"ID":4}]

Examples of using single cell placeholders to create a request body for the JSON format. You can also serialize Complex or JSON types in this way.

  "CustomerID": ${input.ID},
  "CustomerName": ${input.Name},
  "IsActive": true,
  "ItemIDs": ${input.Items}

will generate request body

    "CustomerID": 1,
    "CustomerName": "Alice",
    "IsActive": true,
    "CustomerID": 2,
    "CustomerName": "Bob",
    "IsActive": true,

or whole body placeholder


generates the following request body that uses the property names as column names from the input schema

    "ID": 1,
    "Name": "Alice",
    "ID": 2,
    "Name": "Bob",

for input where there is only one line, the following placeholder


generates an array of rows of type Complex


or XML format supports single cell placeholders so following settings


will generate


with a combination of XML header and XML footer. It can generate the following XML where the Root element Customers is used.


Placeholders for other configuration properties

You can use the single cell placeholder for other string configuration properties, which can be wrapped with additional text. This allows you to dynamically change the path of the request for the endpoint. But for these configuration properties, the placeholders are replaced only by the first line of input data.



Basic request types

The following table lists the supported HTTP methods. Additional configuration options are available based on the selected request type

Request type CRUD
POST Create
GET Read
PUT Update / Replace
PATCH Update / Modify


Specify custom headers to be used with the HTTP request in the form of key/value pairs. For more information, see this link HTTP documentation.

It is not necessary to specify all headers, some are default based on the chosen data content type (Accept, Content-Type).

Header Key Value Description
Accept application/json format of response which will be received (requested API must support this)
Content-Type application/json content body format to be used


The endpoint specifies a Path with parameters to query the requested resource from the Host defined in the connection configuration. The combination of Host and Path is the requested URI.


  • api/endpoint/getData?dataId=1
  • api/endpoint/create

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. However, except for the Data configuration, this placeholder only works when the input has a single line.




Advanced Rest API connection

Base URL

The base URL of the connection. The request uses a combination of the Base URL in this parameter with the Endpoint URL path.


Base URL and Endpoint URL path in the System

If you input an absolute path into both the Base URL and Endpoint URL path, the system simply concatenates them as strings, potentially resulting in unsuccessful endpoint calls.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


Ignore SSL Certificates

If set, will ignore SSL certificates. Can be used if the remote API does not have a signed certificate.

Authorization Method

Supported authorization methods:

  • None - no authorization is used
  • Basic - username and password (see Documentation).
  • Token - authorization using a provided token
  • OAuth2 - an authorization framework that exchanges credentials for an authorization token to be used (see Documentation).
  • NTLM - Windows NT LAN Manager authentication protocol (see Documentation). Microsoft does not recommend NTLM for new implementations due to security concerns. It is used for backward compatibility.
  • NTLM Ticket - More secure than just NTLM, credentials are negotiated for the access token. No need to send credentials for every request (see Documentation).

Defines the login name that is used for connection authentication.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


Define the password that is used to authenticate the connection.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


Define the NTLM domain that is used for connection authentication.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

Authorization token

Define the authorization token that is used to authenticate the connection.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

OAuth2 token endpoint

Define the OAuth2 token endpoint that is used to obtain the authorization token.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


OAuth2 token expiration

Define the expiration of the OAuth2 token in minutes.

OAuth2 request headers

Headers to include in the OAuth2 request. If no Content-Type header is set, its value application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be automatically included.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

OAuth2 request body

Defines the body of the OAuth2 token request that is sent to the OAuth2 token endpoint.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket endpoint

Defines the NTLM ticket endpoint that is used to retrieve the authorization ticket.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


NTLM ticket request headers

Headers to include in the NTLM ticket request. If no Content-Type header is set, its value application/json will be automatically included.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket username

Defines the login name to be used to authenticate the NTLM connection ticket.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket password

Defines the password to be used to authenticate the NTLM connection ticket.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket domain

Define the domain that is used for NTLM connection ticket authentication.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket request body

Define the NTLM ticket request body that is sent to the NTLM ticket endpoint.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.

NTLM ticket request result path

The result path in the JSON response object where the NTLM ticket is returned, i.e. for the response:

        "data": "string token"

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.${input.Property}

Request header ticket attribute

Defines the request header attribute key where the returned NTLM ticket will be stored.

Input data can be referenced using placeholders, i.e. ${input.ObjectID} will be replaced by the value in the ObjectID property of the input. This placeholder only works when the input has a single line.


Advanced Rest API endpoint

Input & Output Schema


Data schema is optional

The connector does not expect a specific schema. The required data structure can be achieved by correct configuration. Although the selected connector doesn't require a schema generally, the individual integration task step may need to match the output data structure of the preceding task step and use a data schema selected from the repository or create a new input schema.


Advance Rest API output (ver. 1.0.0)

Column Data type Allow null Description
StatusCode string No HTTP response status code
Headers Rest API header 1.0.0 Yes Received HTTP headers as key/value pairs
Content Base64 Yes Serialized content of HTTP response into Base64
ContentText string Yes Serialized content of HTTP response into string
#### Advance Rest API Header (ver. 1.0.0)
Column Data type Allow null Description
Key String No Header name
Value String Yes Header value

Release notes


  • First release